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Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch

This year we are working towards getting our Food For Life Award.

Lunch bunch members are responsible in ensuring that every child in school has a tasty and healthy lunch (school meals or packed lunch). The children take the time to analyse and review the school dinners, carry out surveys and meet with the school cook to discuss school meal menus. 

Some of our duties include:

  • Identifying seasonality in the school menu and suggesting seasonal alternatives to foos on the menu.
  • Working with the cook to create a wider range of healthy meals.
  • Monitoring the correct waste of food and packaging.
  • Ensuring children have a healthy packed lunch with at least 1 piece of fruit.
  • Highlighting the importance of healthy eating, a balanced diet and the importance of exercise.
  • Leading assemblies on health eating.


This year we will be conducting a food survey every term to hear the voices of our children and ask them what they would like to eat for school dinners. We will collect and analyse the data and then meet with the cook to propose our new potential school meals ideas - certified with the Davies Lane Lunch Bunch healthy tick!

We are really proud of our school and want to ensure that every child is fit, healthy and happy.

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